Christian Campus House is a local ministry on Eastern Illinois University's campus. It's a non-denominational Christian campus ministry serving college students at EIU. Ministry leaders share the gospel with students and help them gain an understanding of what that means in their lives, as well as helping them connect in Christian community with other believers. They encourage students to be ambassadors of God's Kingdom.
Their message: Share the gospel of Jesus Christ, so that every child in Haiti might know God.
Fenel and Mimi Bruna, Haitian nationals, first opened House of Abraham in May 2011. Built on the loving gospel of Jesus Christ, HOA takes in children, who once wandered the streets in the valley below, to be nurtured with love, food, education, and truth. These children were at serious risk for child slavery and trafficking. The children are not up for adoption, as the Bruna’s believe they were born Haitian for a reason. Their prayer is that they will grow up to be Christian leaders in Haiti. In their community, the Bruna’s are changing the lives of children in Haiti by sharing the Gospel message with them, leading them to Christ, and discipling them. They help less fortunate families take care of themselves and help kids go to school by providing school tuition, uniforms, and books.
Todd and Duska Cornwell are two of the founders of Good Measure International located here in Charleston. They exist to help ministries among the poor in the world and serve others by connecting them to donors worldwide. They provide accounting, administrative, and operational services for free to several ministries. They provide these services to ministries who don't have the ability or funds to pay someone to assist them.
In addition to providing needed accounting services, they look for ways to encourage believers to come alongside these ministries through prayer and financial support. With more resources, these ministries can show the love of Jesus Christ by providing fresh water, malaria bed nets, medical care, emergency services, food, agricultural training, discipleship materials, micro loans, and so much more. Together, they can make a true and lasting difference in peoples’ lives. Good Measure International reaches across the world in places like South Sudan, Uganda, and Haiti.
Lindsay is serving on mission with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) through Agapè+ in Barcelona, Spain. Agapè+ is a ministry dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus in a relevant way by meeting the needs of the local community. The ministry primarily serves people experiencing homelessness, asylum seekers and refugees, and victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation. Lindsay shares the hope she has in Jesus and partners with local churches and volunteers to advance the mission of reaching the lost. We are thrilled to be on this journey with Lindsay!
We have partnered with OneHope in the Philippines to help teens in the region. OneHope's mission is "God's Word. Every Child." In the Philippines, OneHope is working closely with the local church to provide dynamic, relevant, Scripture engagements and resources to the next generation.
Shelby and Nate Herman currently serve with Youth with a Mission in Tauranga, New Zealand. They work and help run the Discipleship Training Schools, walking closely alongside the students and staff of those schools. When they aren't doing that, they are working on the medical ship, the YWAM Kona. They aim to serve the isolated islands bringing them hope and healthcare through dentistry.
Trey serves in full-time sports ministry through FCA. There is a great need at Eastern Illinois University for a follower of Christ to come alongside the coaches and athletes. Through FCA, Trey seeks to make disciples through their strategy of engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to know and grow in Christ and lead others to do the same. He encourages and trains athletes and coaches to use their platform within Division-1 athletics for Kingdom impact.